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Sri Narasimha Jayanthi   |   Pournami Sri Sai Sathyanarayana Swami Vratham  |   Sankastahara Ganapathi Vratham

Temple Timings
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Mon,Tue, Wed, Fri :
9-00 am to 12-30 pm

5-00 pm to 8-00 pm
Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
9-00 am to 8-00 pm
(All the day)
Aarati Timing
9:00am Kakad Aarati
12 noon Madhyana Aarati
6:00pm Dhoop Aarti
7:30pm Shej Aarti
Important Brochures
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Our News Letter
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 Welcome to Sri Sairam Temple

Sri Sairam temple is doing all it can to serve the devotees with all the requirements and needs with total dedication and tactful man management. Sri Sai Ram temple is an integral part of the services being provided. The Sri Sai Ram temple gives an opportunity to the public thronging to take Saibaba‘s blessing, to experience a calm and beautiful ambience by stationing themselves.

Sri Sairam temple USA has been organizing worship services since its inception. A special worship service on every Thursday evening includes Samoohika Vishnu Sahasra Nama Parayana, Shri Sai Ashtothara, Sri Sai Satcharita Parayana, Bhajans/Kirtans, and Shej Arati followed by Mahaprasad

Sayings of Shirdi Saibaba
1. Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an     end.
2 . The wretched and miserable will rise to joy and happiness as soon      as they climb the steps of the mosque
3. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly     body.
4. My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.
5. I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb.
6. My mortal remains will speak from my tomb.
7. I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender     to me and who seek refuge in me.
8. If you look to me, I look to you.
9. If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it
10. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.
11. There shall be no want in the house of my devotee
Upcoming Events
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  Guru Poornima Celebrations
7/20/2024 Saturday
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